Partial Hospitalization Program at Living Hope
Living Hope’s Partial Hospitalization Program (PHP) is a five day per week, higher level of care that patients attend nine hours each day and provides individualized treatment based on the needs of each patient. The PHP program offers an intimate treatment setting which allows the patients to focus on building a lasting recovery. Group sessions are held 6-8 hours per day and patients also receive 3-5 individual session with their treatment team per week. Care through PHP is available to all genders ages 12 and up. PHP is offered at both our Oklahoma and Arkansas locations.
Oklahoma hours: Monday-Friday 9:30am-6:30pm
Arkansas hours: Monday-Friday 8:00am-5:00pm
What Living Hope's Partial Hospitalization Program Offers:
Each patient receives:
One to three therapy sessions per week
One dietetic session per week
One medical evaluation with the Medical Director per week
Individualized weekly treatment plan
Art therapy
Monitored blind weight and vital signs
Two staff-supported meals and snacks per day with post meal processing
Exposure groups building culinary skills and real world experiences
Family Day once per month
Family therapy as appropriate on a case by case basis